An anemonefish ménage à trois

Clearly there was a shortage of anemones at this reef.

trio bunaken massimo boyer - kudalaut (1)
Interspecies Amphiprion trio. Bunaken, Indonesia. Credit: Massimo Boyer-Kudalaut

These interspecies cnidarian roommates were observed at Bunaken, just north of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Included here is a melanistic Indonesian Clark’s Anemonefish (A. cf clarkii) an Orange Skunk Anemonefish (A. sandaracinos) and a Pink Skunk Anemonefish (A. perideraion), all cavorting about in perfect harmony in what appears to be a Long-tentacle Anemone (Condylactis doreensis).

This is a particularly interesting find, as neither A. sandaracinos nor A. perideraion are normally encountered in this host, indicating a lack of their preferred anemones, the Carpet Anemones (Stichodactyla spp.) and the Magnificent Sea Anemone (Heteractis magnificus). And even the Clark’s Anemonefish is a bit out of place, as its melanistic colors indicate it formerly resided in a Carpet Anemone.

There are strange things going on in Bunaken. I’d love to see the hybrids that came about from this living situation…

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